Sunday, November 19, 2006


We had chili last night. I was able to get the crock pot up and running before I had to leave for the pre-teen's soccer game. It's chili weather here - cool and autumn-y. I also cleaned out the refrigerator enough yesterday to get the turkey in to thaw for Thanksgiving. Anyway, the meal plan for the next week is:

Sunday: Fish, salad, baked stuffed potatoes, carrot sticks

Monday: Bean soup with cornbread (I need the leftover cornbread for stuffing!)

Tuesday: Grilled chicken, french bread, O'brien potatoes, some sort of vegetable. (No more soccer practice!)

Wednesday: ? there may not be Wednesday night dinner, so we'll have soup and sandwiches if they don't. Otherwise, dinner out.

Thursday: Thanksgiving!!
Ham slice (for kids, who don't really like turkey)
Homemade macaroni and cheese
Cornbread dressing
Bread cube dressing (if TMOTH decides he wants to make it)
Mashed potatoes
Sweet potato casserole (mostly since the mid-kid loves the marshmallows)
Tiny green peas from the silver can (for the boy-kids)
Pies-a-plenty - chocolate and pecan at a minimum. Likely not pumpkin - nobody in our family really likes it all that much.

Friday: Pancakes and fruit

Saturday: Pork - chops or tenderloin, fried apples, biscuits, green beans

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