Friday, October 13, 2006


By request of the mid-kid. He actually wanted pancakes, but I just don't have time for that on a karate night. I promised him pancakes for breakfast. He and dad are off now for the class, and I'm waiting for the tween to get home with her sleepover friend. (My lovely husband cooked the bacon and sausage and made coffee. Hooray!) Toddler-boy LOVED the sausage, so much so that he stole the last piece off my husband's plate.

My mom had surgery to have her shoulder replaced yesterday - this is after having her hip replaced last year. My brother left a message saying, "This is Mom's number at the hospital. Don't call tonight - she's stoned." She was still pretty happy from the drugs this morning, but seemed to be feeling OK. It's no fun living 1,000 miles away.

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