Thursday, March 15, 2007

Breakfast for dinner

Well. Eggs, an assortment of sausages and fake sausage (Morningstar Farms patties, I think), hash brown patties for the boys, strawberries, and hoecakes.

What are hoecakes? I used the Hoe-Cakes recipe from the Hillbilly Housewife website. Basically fried cornmeal mush patties. I loved them. I only made a half-size recipe, and just as well, or I might have eaten the entire [big] batch. I have no photos, since I ate what we had. We have some stone-ground cornmeal left from our visit to a state park in Indiana a summer ago, and it has a lovely corny flavor. Hominy-corny, not sweet corn-corny. I'll have to make these again, even if I'm the only one who really likes them.

AND, TMOTH made english muffins yesterday. This is what they look like rising on a cookie sheet, with some in the pan:
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A close-up of the muffins cooking (dry pan, medium-low heat):
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And finally, TMOTH at work:
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